Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First day of School.

I can't believe it; the first day of school has already come and gone. My kids are getting so big, Clay is now 10, Chloe is 8, she was baptized this summer, and Macee is 4 and just started preschool last Thursday.

Clay, likes his teacher. He is getting quite the sense of humor, Craig doesn't know how to take him sometimes. He is a lot of fun to be around. He's still in piano, and he's very talented.
Chloe, is going to start dancing next month, and she is excited and can't wait to start. She is also still in piano. She started going to achievement days now, she will be busy this year.

Macee is a happy little girl, she asks if it's school everyday. She loves life and enjoys reading, playing make believe, and just having fun. She loves being with her dad. She loves her puppy, Daisy.

Clay likes horses again!!

This year Clay has decided the horses are not so bad. He occasionally goes and spends a little time with them. A few years ago he had something happen that he didn't want to have anything to do with the horses. He has decided that this one is his favorite, she still does not have a name. We need to come up with one soon. He still loves riding four-wheelers.