Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Year

I can't believe another year has already come and gone, and I posted once last year.  Wow! My baby, Cole, is already 15 months old.  He is in to everything, and a happy baby.  

Clay, is 13, and officially a teenager.  To think I have a teenager in the house is crazy.  Clay still likes wrestling. 

Chloe is 11, and still dancing and loves it. She, likes to be outside jumping on the tramp, and out with her horse. 

Macee, is 7, and still most of the time as happy as ever about life and school. She is still dancing also. 

Craig, is still plumbing, and I am still working on keeping up with my kids as they are growing and running all the directions they need to go.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life Goes By Fast!

Wow! Where to start, so much has happened since the last time I posted. Craig and I have now been married for 15 years this year. We had a new baby, Cole in May. He is now 4 months, time flies, it seems like yesterday he was just born. He rolled over for the first time Sept 14th, and he now loves playing with is toes. He is such a happy baby.

Clay turned 12 and now is passing the sacrament. He started middle school as a sixth grader.

Chloe is 10 and in fifth grade, and has Mr. Nagata. She is still dancing and taking piano. She was just in the Utah State homecoming parade, and danced the whole way.

Macee is still as happy as ever, and just went into first grade, she loves it. Everyday, she asks whats for lunch, and her teacher is Mrs Freckleton (what a perfect name for a first grade teacher). Macee, is also still taking dance, and was in the parade, but she got to ride the float. She keeps loosing teeth imagine that.

Craig is still working on his shop. He now has a little bit of insulation in it, the floor is all poured. It will be really nice when it's all done. Maybe I will be able to park in my garage this winter lol. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

March and April 2010

WOW, it's been over a year since I have done any posting. I probably should catch up. So, here goes. In March, we started our shop, for ALL of Craig's plumbing stuff, and so I can actually have a garage.

In April, Chloe and Macee had their dance recital, they did great. Chloe decided to do competition this year, this was the first time dancing for everyone by herself.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First day of School.

I can't believe it; the first day of school has already come and gone. My kids are getting so big, Clay is now 10, Chloe is 8, she was baptized this summer, and Macee is 4 and just started preschool last Thursday.

Clay, likes his teacher. He is getting quite the sense of humor, Craig doesn't know how to take him sometimes. He is a lot of fun to be around. He's still in piano, and he's very talented.
Chloe, is going to start dancing next month, and she is excited and can't wait to start. She is also still in piano. She started going to achievement days now, she will be busy this year.

Macee is a happy little girl, she asks if it's school everyday. She loves life and enjoys reading, playing make believe, and just having fun. She loves being with her dad. She loves her puppy, Daisy.

Clay likes horses again!!

This year Clay has decided the horses are not so bad. He occasionally goes and spends a little time with them. A few years ago he had something happen that he didn't want to have anything to do with the horses. He has decided that this one is his favorite, she still does not have a name. We need to come up with one soon. He still loves riding four-wheelers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Summer Time.

Things are kind of settled down, the kids are out of school, dance recitals are over. Hopefully, it is time to enjoy the summer. Chloe had her recital a couple of weeks ago, she did a great job, and looked so beautiful. Last week, Clay and Chloe finished school. I finished foot zoning school, which has an absolute great adventure in itself. Our family life has become more positive.
Clay has started a sports camp this week and goes through next with one of his best friends. He loves it, he gets to try all kinds of new sports, that he has not had the opportunity to try.
Chloe and Macee are enjoying our new puppy, Daisy. Daisy, follows them around everywhere. She is a cute little thing, it seems like Craig decides we need a new puppy everytime he has to go for a week on a Young Men's activity (at least for the last two years he has done this). I hope everyone else has a wonderful summer.